[ezps_tp_post_layout video=”uRHyEkDDDpM” description=”For those who still don’t understand why White Hat SEO / Back Hat SEO are stupids labels… This video is for you! Feel free to comment and give your opinion below, I would be happy to answer you. ? ⚠️ SUBSCRIBE NOW: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mattwoodwarduk (and get more great videos like this) ? MY QUICK […]
Tag: black hat seo

White Hat SEO versus Black Hat SEO (they’re both idiots, this is why)
[ezps_tp_post_layout video=”7wm2Ama4LDc” description=”If you identify as a White Hat SEO or a Black Hat SEO, you’re an idiot! Why? Well, when I see anyone labeling them self as a white hat, that immediately tells me that they have a HUGE GAP in their SEO knowledge because they only understand HALF of the game. And that’s […]